RESCUES FIVE FROM FLAMES. ~ Fireman Ginn Carries Frightened Women Down Ladder From Burning House.

January 3, 1909

Fireman Ginn Carries Frightened
Women Down Ladder From
Burning House.

In various stages of dishabile, three women and two men were rescued from a second-story of a burning house at 1223 Troost avenue, occupied by Mrs. May Crockett and a number of roomers, at 11 o'clock last night by Dick Ginn, a fireman from No. 3 company.

The fire, which was probably of incendiary origin, broke out in several places at once. Those on the second floor found themselves cut off from the stairway by smoke and flames. They crowded to the front windows. Firemen placed a ladder to one of the windows and Ginn carried the women down to safety, one by one. The men followed.

H. J. Little, a clerk for the Smith-McCord-Townsend Dry Goods company, and his wife, were among those rescued.

The fire was discovered before it had gained much headway and was quickly extinguished. The loss will be $300.