TO ESCORT THE GOVERNORS. ~ Third Regiment to Play Important Part in Inaugural Ceremonies.

January 8, 1909

Third Regiment to Play Important
Part in Inaugural Ceremonies.

"All plans for the visit of the Third regiment, M. N. G., in Jefferson City have been perfected," said Colonel Cusil Lechtman last night. "The regiment will depart at 12 o'clock Sunday night on the special train, arriving at Jefferson City Monday morning. The boys will go in full dress uniform and looking as spick and span as possible.

"The regiment will form and march to the residence of Governor Folk, escort him to the residence of Governor Hadley and then escort both to the capitol, where the regiment will pass in review before them. After inaugural ceremonies the boys will be at liberty, which will probably give them the afternoon in Jefferson city. The train will return home to Kansas City Tuesday night.