BOYS STOP RUNAWAY HORSE. ~ Two Italian Youths Avert Possible Accident on Independence Avenue.

February 11, 1909

Two Italian Youths Avert Possible
Accident on Independence Avenue.

The presence of mind of Michael Dominic and Frank Colletta, two Italian boys, probably averted a serious accident on Independence avenue yesterday afternoon when the two youths sprang into the rear end of a wagon which was drawn by a runaway horse. The animal was gradually stopped before any of the children, who had just been let out of school, were run over.

"We don't know whose horse it is," said Frank Colletta a few minutes later when they drove the horse in front of police headquarters. "We were pegging tops when the runaway passed and we knew we had better jump in and stop the horse if possible."

It was learned later that the runaway horse belonged to the Allen Heating and Plumbing company, 912 East Ninth street. The two boys drove the horse back to its owner.