COLLEGE TO BE BUILT BY ORDER OF JESUITS. ~ Property Is Located Between Troost, and Lydia, Fifty-Second and Fifty-Third Streets -- Will Be Non-Sectaria

February 7, 1909

Property Is Located Between Troost,
and Lydia, Fifty-Second and Fifty-
Third Streets -- Will Be

One large real estate sale recorded yesterday was the transfer of twenty-five acres of property at Fifty-second street and Troost avenue. This property was bought by the directors of a Jesuit college for the erection of a university on the site. The consideration named in the deed was $50,000. Rev. M. P. Dowling of the Jesuit school has charge of the plans for the new university. He stated that the college would be non-sectarian and that it would be called Rockhurst college. The campus will be named Rockhurst park. It is not known just when work will be commenced on the building. No plans for the buildings have been formulated as yet, pending the topographical survey of the property. The twenty-five acres lies between Troost and Lydia avenues and Fifty-second and Fifty-third streets. It is accessable to the Marlboro car line.