ELEPHANTS KILL ZEBU AND INJURE THE ZEBRA. ~ For This and Loss of Time Owner of Arrested Menagerie Says City Must Pay.

February 12, 1908

For This and Loss of Time Owner
of Arrested Menagerie Says
City Must Pay.

For the loss of one zebu, killed by three elephants which broke loose and also disabled the zebra; the cancellation of three weeks' engagement at Santa Cruz, Cal, and the loss of transportation there amounting to $800, P. B. Glassock, proprietor of the menagerie arrested by the detective department Tuesday, under orders from Mena, Ark., says the city must pay.

Thomas C. Wingate, the sheriff from Mena, arrived here yesterday and said the party had been detained by mistake, and the show was released. Glasscock says he has two lawyers on the way here.

When six detectives acting under orders of Inspector Ryan surrounded the car in the railroad yards Tuesday and took the inmates to police headquarters, the car was run into the roundhouse to protect the animals from the cold. But in the absence of the trainer, the three elephants got loose and injured the zebu. The animal was dead yesterday when Glasscock went to the roundhouse to inspect his belongings.

The zebra was also badly injured and, according to the owner, will be unfit for exhibition purposes. In the absence of the circus employes, the elephants had done all but demolish the car.

Glasscock with his father owns sixty-one circus cars and has four small circuses on the road. He intends to stay in Kansas City until the matter is adjusted to his own satisfaction.