Unique Schedule of Rates -- Each
Guest Will Give Half His
Earnings for His
Board Bill.
Newly furnished and equipped from kitchen to garret the Boys' hotel, 1223 Michigan avenue, will throw open its doors this morning to the boys who are without homes or friends to look after them. The hotel was due to open yesterday, but the house could not be gotten in readiness and the opening was postponed until today.
Presiding over the hotel is Mrs. Anna Ferris, the new matron, who believes that the hotel and its guests are going to prosper together.
She has succeeded in arranging the scant but comfortable furniture in a most pleasing manner and the little waifs' home looked bright and cheerful to the visitors yesterday. The pantry had been well stocked with groceries and the forty single iron beds are covered with the cleanest of linen.
Accommodations for forty boys have been made and Mrs. Ferris said yesterday that she expected the hotel to be crowded within a few days. Each boy who will live in the hotel will pay half the amount he earns each week for his board. Any deficit in the running expenses of the hotel will be paid from funds secured by private donations.
The hotel is to be conducted under the direction of the Council of Women's Clubs. Besides the matron, who will have charge of the domestic affairs of the hotel, S. R. McIntyre will live at the hotel and have supervision over the conduct of the boys. At first it is expected that the boarders will comprise a majority of the youths formerly members of the hotels society.
"The first meal to be served will be lunch today. By an early hour this morning the matron looks for quite a number of applicants for rooms in the hotel and she will then know how many to provide lunch for. Many visitors called yesterday afternoon to inspect the new quarters.