Mrs. Van Brunt Tells What the D.
A. R. Is Doing for This Project.
To The Journal:
It seems desirable at this time that the people of Missouri and particularly those living along the line of the old Santa Fe trail, should be made conversant with the efforts that the Daughters of the American Revolution, and particularly the Kansas City chapter, of which B. T. Whipple is regent, are making to preserve the route of the historic old road by locating granite markers at prominent points, suitably inscribed.
The scheme originated with Miss Elizabeth Butler Gentry, some two years ago, when she was regent of the Kansas City chapter. The matter has since that time so far developed through the conscientious and untiring efforts of the Kansas City chapter that it seems more than probable that their patriotic aims are to be achieved.
The Santa Fe trail committee has arrived at the point where it has received all the data necessary. A map has been made of the route form Old Franklin, Howard county, the cradle of the trail, to the Kansas state line; points have been selected where markers should be placed, the number of markers needed has been ascertained, and preliminary estimates as to the cost of the markers, delivered and set, have been received.
It may be well to state here for the benefit of those who are not aware of the fact that our sister state, Kansas, has already completed her part of the work. Colorado will finish her share this year, and New Mexico not only erects an arch at the terminus of the trail in Santa Fe, but also takes up the marking of the part of the trail within her borders. This has all been made possible by appropriations given the D. A. R. by generous legislatures.
The Daughters have felt that our state has neglected this work, not from lack of patriotism, but lack of knowledge. Therefore they have taken the matter in hand, with the fond hope that they may see their dreams realized.
The Santa Fe trail committee has sent out letters to prominent men throughout the state, asking them to become members of an advisory board, and through their able assistance and co-operation to properly present the matter to the Missouri legislature. A bill is now being framed at present at this session, asking for an appropriation to defray the expense of erecting suitable markers.
Letters have also been sent to senators and representatives in the different counties through which the old road passed, that they may be advised of the movement, and asking for their assistance. The Daughters, through their untiring efforts in studying up the history of the trail, locating it accurately -- no easy task, consulting old settlers, and ex-wagon bosses, all of whom have shown a gratifying desire to help -- feel that their efforts may be crowned with success, and are very much encouraged with the fact that interest seems to be growing stronger every day.
President Santa Fe Trail Committee.