STREET CAR HITS AUTO. ~ Dr. Shirk's Runabout Is Damaged at Missouri and Grand.

February 18, 1909

Dr. Shirk's Runabout Is Damaged at
Missouri and Grand.

When Dr. William Shirk's motor run-about collided with a Westport car at Missouri and Grand avenues shortly before 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the automobile proved the chief sufferer. Two wheels were smashed. Nobody was hurt.

The motor car, with Dr. Shirk, who has an office in the Commerce building, and Dr. G. A. Graham of 1101 East Eighth street, was eastward bound on Missouri avenue. A car had just passed going south on Grand. Dr. Shirk, as he explained afterwards, was of the impression that street cars did not run north on Grand at that intersection. So, when the southbound car had cleared the crossing, he made the dash for it, only to be caught by the Westport car.