Dr. E. G. Davis Thinks He Was
Robbed of $50 While Leaving
Gypsy Smith Meeting.
Kansas City's light-fingered brigade switched its field of operation last night from crowded street cars to the Gypsy Smith revival meeting at Convention hall. Dr. E. G. Davis of 228 North Seventeenth street, Kansas City, Kas., was the victim. So cleverly was the job done that Dr. Davis did not discover his loss until he reached home after the meeting. He remembered of having been jostled in the crowd as he left the big hall and he is satisfied that it was there that he was separated from his pocketbook containing $50 in currency.
"There was the usual jam at the close of the meeting," said the doctor, in reporting his loss to the Kansas City, Kas., police, 'but I never suspected that pick-pockets would dare apply their trade at the big revival meeting, hence I took the jostling in the best of humor. I am positive that the theft was committed in the hall, as I walked direct to Main street and boarded a viaduct car for home."
Dr. Davis's pocketbook was in his right hip pocket. Besides the money the purse contained some private papers.
The car on which he rode home was not crowded.