AUTO OWNER'S GOOD START. ~ Runs Down Man the Day He Purchases Machine.

March 20, 1909

Runs Down Man the Day He Pur-
chases Machine.

While driving a small automobile, which he had just purchased along the Southwest boulevard near Summit street, on the way to his farm in Gardner, Kas., yesterday afternoon Morris Harrington ran into Andrew Anderson, a laborer, knocking him down and severely bruising him. An ambulance was called from No. 4 police station and the injured man was treated by Dr. H. A. Hamilton, after which he was removed to his home at 2136 Summit street.

Harrington was held for an hour at No. 3 police station until he could arrange bond. He said he was unused to operating an automobile, and that when Anderson stepped in front he could not turn the guide wheel fast enough to steer clear of him.