DROVE OUT HIS PATRONS. ~ Main Street Saloonkeeper Threatened Them With a Shot Gun.

February 28, 1909

Main Street Saloonkeeper Threatened
Them With a Shot Gun.

Willard Thompson, the proprietor of a saloon at 812 Main street, drove out the patrons in his saloon last night with a shotgun. He was finally arrested by William Rogers, a patrolman. When the policeman entered the saloon he found that the bartender had taken refuge in the icebox, and Thompson had undisputed possession of the room. A curious crowd was keeping a respectful distance from the place.

"I'm going to shoot you," warned Thompson as Rogers stepped into the door. "Don't you move another step," and he raised the shotgun. The bartender slipped out of the icebox and a moment later the officer grabbed the gun. Thompson was locked up.