Card Published by Confederate Sur-
geon 44 Years Ago Today.
Forty-four years ago today The Journal published a card of acknowledgement from Caleb Winfrey, a surgeon in the Confederate army who was then aobut to take his leave from Kansas City. Mr. Winfey is now practicing here and has lived to see the North and South in truth united. This is the card which appeared in The Journal's issue of March 11, 1865:
Kansas City, Mo, March 11, 1865.
A Card. -- As I am about to leave the city I avail myself of this
opportunity of returning my thinks, as it is all I can do at this time, to the
military authorities, and also to the citizens, without distinction, for their
uniform kindness and hospitality to myself and the wounded Confederate soldiers
who were left in part under my care. Trusting that the same kind of spirit
will prevail in all other communities, both North and South, that the horrors of
war may thereby be somewhat mitigated, I am,
CALEB WINFREY, Surgeon, C. S. A.