EXPORTERS OF WALNUT LOGS. ~ Rates Were Excessive to European Points, Says Penrod Co.

March 6, 1909

Rates Were Excessive to European
Points, Says Penrod Co.

Some interesting facts about Kansas City as an export center may be found in a suit filed yesterday in the circuit court. The Penrod Walnut and Veneer Company is asking $293.00 from the Kansas City Southern railway, alleged to represent freight overcharges on export shipments of walnut lumber. The lumber was shipped last summer, four cars going to Manchester, England; two cars to St. Petersburg; one to Belfast, Ireland, and one to Glasgow, Scotland. It is alleged by the Penrod company that the rates were quoted as follows: To Manchester, 36 1/2 cents; St. Petersburg, 43 1/2 cents; Belfast, 37 1/2 cents, and Glasgow, 38 1/2 cents. More than the rates mentioned were charged, asserts the Penrod company.