Wheel Chair Ordered for Admiral,
Who Has Rheumatism.
"Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans will arrive on the Burlington from St. Louis Saturday morning at 7:10. Meet him with a wheel chair and see that he is cared for. He has a severe attack of rheumatism."
This was the order received by Union depot officials last night. "Fighting Bob" is coming to Kansas City to lecture next Tuesday evening at Convention hall under the auspices of the local Young Women's Christian Association on "From Hampton Roads to San Francisco," relating interesting incidents in connection with the cruise of the American battleships during the first leg of their globe-encircling journey.
It was not known here that Admiral Evans was ill until the above instructions were received by the depot authorities. Kansas City business men had planned to have a delegation meet the distinguished visitor and entertain him, but it is probable that his condition will prevent him from taking part in any social functions. It is thought, however, that he will be able to fill his engagement.