LECTURE ON EVOLUTION. ~ M. M. Mangasarian of Chicago Expounds Doctrine at Shubert.

March 8, 1909

M. M. Mangasarian of Chicago Ex-
pounds Doctrine at Shubert.

A large audience attended the illustrated lecture on evolution at the Shubert yesterday morning delivered by M. M. Mangasarian, the distinguished ethical lecturer of Chicago. The occasion was the formal celebration of the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin. The lecture was profusely illustrated with stereopticon views and was an exhaustive exposition of the theory of evolution. While nothing specially new was advanced, the principal scientific facts on which the advocates of the theory base their contentions were set fort effectively.

Mr. Mangasarian held that evolution did not teach that man came from the ape, but that the ape and man had a common ancestry.

"It is no disgrace to have come from a monkey," he remarked, "if we have come far enough."