LITTLE GIRL DIES SUDDENLY. ~ City Chemist Will Investigate if Impure Milk the Cause.

March 9, 1909

City Chemist Will Investigate if Im-
pure Milk the Cause.

Impure milk is thought to have caused the death of Winona Montgomery, the 4-year-old daughter of A. H. Montgomery, a carpenter living at 312 West Thirteenth street. The child, one of a family of six little ones, got up Sunday morning and played around the ho use, apparently in excellent spirits. Her oldest sister, Myra, went to a dairy and bought a quart of milk to be used in preparing breakfast. The milk, the mother says, was taken from the dairy to the house in a three-quart pail recently washed with hot water.

Winona asked for a drink of milk, and her mother poured her a glassful. Mrs. Montgomery then proceeded to make gravy with the milk, and as soon as it was finished put some of it on a biscuit, which the little girl ate. A few seconds later Winona complained of violent pains in her stomach. Mrs. Montgomery attributed the child's illness to the milk, which was the only thing she had eaten that day, and did not allow any other person to drink any of it. Winona was put to bed, and died about 6 o'clock in the evening.

Dr. Emmanuel Manko, who was called, turned the milk that was left over to Dr. Walter Cross, city chemist, for chemical analysis. The body of the little girl will be taken to Memphis, Mo., for burial.