MAY HAVE REMNANT SALE. ~ Dry Goods Stock Likely to Become Police Property.

March 24, 1909

Dry Goods Stock Likely to Become
Police Property.

It is probable that the police department will be richer by $2,000 if the cases against William Gilbert, Thomas O'Neill, Ruth Hester and Grace Harris do not come up soon in the criminal court where they were appealed last October after the four persons were convicted of shoplifting in the municipal court.

At that time, the representatives of most of the dry goods stores in the city identified goods which were found at 1221 Harrison street, where the alleged shoplifters were rooming.

But of late, the representatives of the dry goods stores have not been coming to the city hall to ask for the property as they did formerly. They say that styles will change before the criminal court will try the cases against the accused persons and that the goods, though they were valued at $2,000 last October, will not be nearly so valuable.

Since the release of the four the police in New Orleans arrested four suspects who correspond in description to the four released on appeal bonds in Kansas City.