Governor Hadley With His Gaily
Caparisoned Staff Attracted the
Attention of Thousands.
WASHINGTON, March 4. -- Governor Herbert S. Hadley admirably performed the duty of putting Republican Missouri well to the fore in the inaugural ceremonies today. After President Taft and Governor Hughes of New York, the Missouri Republican governor and his richly caparisoned staff occupied public attention on the line of march, and received the plaudits of thousands who faced the March blizzard of cold wind and snow to witness the great events.
It was evident all along the line of march from the capital to the White House that the people realized that distinctive honor was due Missouri's representation in the inaugural festivities, and great was the applause Governor Hadley and his escort received.
The governor attended the exercises in the senate chamber, where he witnessed the first indoor installation of a president in seventy-six years. As he took his place at the head of his staff with Adjutant General Rumbold, he was given command of a regiment of cadets at the reviewing stand facing White House. Governor Hadley and staff were given distinctive salutations by President Taft. The dinner given the governor and Mrs. Hadley at the Shoreham tonight was a splendid success. After the dinner the governor and party attended the inaugural ball.