THEY'RE COMING BACK AGAIN. ~ "Sanitary" Trash Cans Will Decorate Street Corners.

March 23, 1909

"Sanitary" Trash Cans Will Decor-
ate Street Corners.

"Will the committee explain what good these cans are? They obstruct sidewalks; are not beautiful to look at, and when we had them before I could see no earthly use for them."

This is what Alderman George H. Edwards said in the upper house of the council last night when the streets and alleys committee recommended the passage of an ordinance giving permission to a company headed by Michael Pendergast, brother of the alderman, to encumber the sidewalks and street corners with trash cans.

"They are sanitary, ornamental and well gotten up; they are absolutely sanitary and can't be kicked over or blown over," was the recommendation furnished for the cans by Alderman Isaac Taylor.

"Also quite convenient for clerks to empty the contents of waste paper baskets into," piped Alderman Emmet O'Malley.

"The last cans were good things to throw trash at, but never into," observed Alderman Edwards.

The ordinance was passed, the only negative vote being filed by Edwards.

In the lower house the ordinance failed of passage under suspension of the rules, but the streets and alleys committee reported it out immediately. The required eight votes were on hand to make it a law, the only objections being Alderman Darius Brown and J. G. Lapp.