WANTS MEN TO TRIM TREES. ~ City Forester Advocates Appointment of Five or Six for This Purpose.

March 4, 1909

City Forester Advocates Appointment
of Five or Six for This Purpose.

S. C. Woodson, city forester, is advocating the appointment of five or six men who are capable of properly trimming trees, in order to preserve the beauty and life of the trees planted on the street parkings. The $6,000 appropriation for his office is not sufficient to employ the required number of men, and numerous trees are suffering from improper trimming.

The city forester believes in the people purchasing their trees by private contract, but wants the forestry department to have the right of inspection of the trees and the supervision of the planting.

Permits will be issued by the city forester to those persons applying to him upon their showing that they have a contract for the trimming of trees in a specified place. General or blanket permits will not be issued by the department.