BRIDE OF 16 SEEKS TO ANNUL MARRIAGE ~ Nellie Walker, Who Eloped Last Wednesday, Says Boy Husband Can't Support Her.

March 28, 1909

Nellie Walker, Who Eloped Last
Wednesday, Says Boy Husband
Can't Support Her.

Nellie Walker, 16 years old, who went to Olathe on the Strang line last Wednesday with Frederick R. Walker, 18, and was married, brought suit in the circuit court yesterday to annul the marriage. The elopers were arrested the evening they returned from Olathe and given into the custody of their parents. Walker is the son of James Walker of 2405 Locust street, and Mrs. Michael Kellcher of 2053 Holmes street is the mother of the girl. She brings the su it for the daughter.

The wife alleges, in her petition, that she was less than lgal age when the marriage license was secured and that she had the consent of neither father nor mother. She adds that her husband is unable to support her.

The story of two weeks of married life is told in the petition of Daisy Tryon against L. Jay Tryon. She alleges that her husband pouted.

Other divorce suits filed were the following:

Laura Belle against Elija P. Sharp.
R. N against Myrtle B. Kennedy.
Christina against Henry Douser.
Mary against Luther Howard.
Nellie M. against Thomas B. Johnson.
Walter R. against Alice L. Gillaspie.
Pearl against Harry McHutt.
Gertrude against John H.Parshall