CARRIED BANK ROLL IN SOCK. ~ Camden Man Not Taking Chances With Pickpockets.

April 10, 1909

Camden Man Not Taking Chances
With Pickpockets.

John Hawkinson of Camden, Mo., is not superstitious, but the fame of Kansas City had permeated Camden, and John had gained a wholesome fear of pickpockets and crooks before he made the trip to this city early this week. That John had prepared himself against any possible contingency was evident last night, when he approached the ticket office in the Union depot and asking for a ticket to Camden, stooped down, pulled off his shoe and stocking and extracted from somewhere in the depths a dollar to pay for his fare.

"I ain't taking no chances on these here Kansas City bad ones," said he to the ticket seller, as he replaced the articles of apparel, "and I don't much guess one of them fellers would look down in this sock for my wad, either."