Everything Has Been Brightened Up
Since Last Fall.
Forest park, which opens next Saturday, has undergone many changes for the better since it was closed last fall, according to Manager James Anderson. "Humble Peter," the "Human Roulette Wheel" and other novelties have been introduced, and the free vaudeville acts are promised to be bigger and considerably more classy than those of the past. The skating rink has been remodeled and converted into a ballroom.
Probably the best of the added features, from a fun-seekers' viewpoint, is the "Jolly Follies" pavilion, ninety feet wide and 290 feet long, containing over 100 new amusement devices and said to be the largest pavilion of its kind in the country.
The moving picture show will be there, but it will have its educational advantages. "A Trip Across the Isthmus of Panama" is the title of one of the pictures to be thrown on the screen, to be accompanied by the swaying motion of water and the roar of a passenger train.