CHORUS GIRLS IN NEW STUNT. ~ Will Break Ground for New Theater at Noon Today.

March 26, 1909

Will Break Ground for New Theater
at Noon Today.

Forty-two chorus girls will break ground for the new Gayety theater, which the Columbia Amusement Company of New York is to erect at Twelfth and Wyandotte streets at noon today. They are members of the Knickerbocker company, now playing at the Majestic theater, and the Trocadero company, billed there for next week.

"This is an idea of my own, and with all respect to the mayor, I believe it is much more original than to have him present to do the sodturning act," said Thomas Hodgeman, the manager. "Of course, he's tired of such performances, although he's much too good natured to refuse on such occasions."

"Will the girls be in stage costume?" was asked.

"Uh-huh; that is, I don't know. They may, and they may not. It depends on the weather, as manufactured by P. Connor. If it's a little chilly the girls -- oh, I hate to say it, but really, you know, some of them might catch cold."