MAY GET WHITSETT'S JOB. ~ Rumored Captain Casey Will Go to Headquarters Station.

April 4, 1909

Rumored Captain Casey Will Go to
Headquarters Station.

It was common talk among the politicians at the city hall yesterday that in case the new board of police commissioners made a general shift of all officers now in command of their different outside stations Captain John J. Casey, who is now at No. 6 station, would be shifted to headquarters in the place of Captain Walter Whitsett. A few days ago Thomas A. Marks is reported to have said that there would be a general change as soon as the new board took control.

Captain Casey is considered the most likely candidate for the important place at headquarters, owing to the fact that his brother, Senator Michael Casey, was active in lining up the Democratic senate in favor of the confirmation of Marks and Middlebrook. Casey is considered to be one of the most efficient officers in the department.