Ingalsbee Found It and Incidentally
Made a Fortune.
Twenty years ago a young man, A. B. Ingalsbee, went to the City of Mexico as a representative of a furniture company of Chicago. Primarily he was in search of a climate that would benefit his health. He introduced into Mexico the first school desks of United States manufacture ever sold there. Today he has accumulated a snug fortune as president of one of the largest real estate companies of the Southern republic.
"My success is nothing to brag of," said Mr. Ingalsbee at the Baltimore hotel yesterday. He is just returning from a busines and pleasure trip to New York city.
"I went to the City of Mexico a clerk, but you must remember that the country has grown some under Diaz's administration.
"Why, when I went, there wasn't but one plate glass window on San Francisco street, the principal business street of the city. Now, of course, that street looks like any other big business thoroughfare."
"How does the growth of the Mexican capital compare with that of Kansas City?" Mr. Ingersoll was asked.
"Oh, about the same," he replied. "There aren't any vacant residence buildings to speak of in either city. I think, in the City of Mexico there are even fewer empty store buildings than here.
"You will find in Mexico," he continued, "an up-to-the-minute country where you don't have to know the language to succeed. Where you always get an even break before the law, and where you will enjoy society just as select as that of any American or European city.