Aged President of Mexico Makes It
Easier for the Orient to Build.
Before President Arthur E. Stilwell of the Orient and his part of officials, directors, stockholders and investors return from their inspection of the system, which they will begin today, they will have had an audience with Porfirio Diaz, the veteran president of Mexico, through which republic so much of the Stilwell road runs. There are matters concerning the relations of the Orient with the Mexican government that will come up for discussion at this meeting.
President Diaz has extended every possible encouragement to the officials of the new line, and it was only recently through his influence the time limit for the completion of the road in Mexico was extended five years. By his recommendation to the Mexican congress, Diaz has secured a substantial increase in the freight and passenger rates of the Orient, which will swell its revenue, while in the process of construction. Naturally such an increase is very welcome to the owners of the line, which is stretching steadily toward the Gulf of California without the help of Wall street.
By permission of the national legislative body of the country, the road can now charge 5 cents a mile for first class passengers, and 3 1/2 cents for second class. The third class is abolished. Formerly first class passengers rode for 3 cents. Moreover, the freight rate there has been increased about 25 per cent.
There are about forty-two who will leave on the special train this afternoon over the Rock Island for Wichita. President Stilwell and W. W. Dickinson, vice president and general manager, will be among the number. From Wichita to Sweetwater, Tex., they will go over their own line. At Sweetwater they will take the Texas & Pacific for El Paso, and thence over the Mexican Central to Chihuahua, where they will strike their own line again. They will run out each way from Chihuahua, and inspect the road thus far completed and will not get any farther west than Sanchez, about 225 miles from Chihuahua. Mexico City will then be visited and the meeting with President Diaz held.