Rev. James Small to Gather Pointers
for a Sermon.
For some while the Rev. James Small, of the Independence Boulevard Christian church, has been preparing a sermon upon the fallen women and what causes her fall and the remedy. His sermon, which will be given next Sunday in his church, is based upon facts gleaned from personal observations in Kansas City, particularly, and the world in general.
As a topic for this sermon, which Rev. Small promises will be of a startling nature, the minister has chosen "Prodigal Girls and Prodigal Boys."
"I have been asked to preach upon that phase of life," said he last night, "and now I am ready to do so. A little further investigation of actual life in the Redlight and Tenderloin districts will conclude my preparations. During the coming week I expect to make a tour of those places and to view the prodigal girl and the prodigal boy as they are living today."