WHAT! NATURALIZED IRISH? ~ Precinct Leader from Slav District Hears Some News.

March 27, 1909

Precinct Leader from Slav District
Hears Some News.

The Democratic campaign managers in their efforts to gain a victory in the approaching election in Kansas City, Kas., have been unusually active in herding foreigners for naturalization purposes. So active has been this work that a few days ago the clerk of the district court ran out of the blanks commonly known as "first papers."

James Meek, chairman of the Democratic central committee had fifty candidates for citizenship corralled in Democratic headquarters and it was decided to get Topeka on long distance and ask that a deputy be sent down with a new supply of blanks.

"How many have you got?" was asked from the Topeka end.

"We have fifty who want to be naturalized," said Meek.

"What kind are they?" asked the man at Topeka.

Meek thought a moment, then turned to a party of his assistants, who had been listening to the local end of the conversation.

"He wants to know what kind of fellows these guys are," said Meek.

"Tell him there are forty-eight Slavs and two Irishmen," said Jay Carlisle.

"What's that?" broke in a precinct leader from the First ward. "Do Irishmen have to be naturalized, too?"