Hot Chains Broke and Panic on
Deck Followed -- Craft Righted
Herself and No One
Was Hurt.
Prayers were offered up yesterday afternoon by several hundred persons whose lips possibly have not breathed a prayer since many a day and only impending disaster to the good ship Uncle Sam could possibly have brought about such a condition. For several minutes 200 passengers aboard the excursion steamer were fearful of being plunged into the cool waters of the Big Muddy.
An accident to the boat just as it was preparing to leave the wharf at the foot of Main street for a pleasure trip down the river caused considerable consternation among the passengers and was responsible for the non-departure of the craft. It was the second Sunday that the boat was in the excursion trade, and although the day was raw and uncomfortable, about 300 persons desirous of lifting the intolerable lid had paid their little pittance and were impatient for the leaving.
Commands had been given by the mate to cast off the lines when one of the main hog chains, supporting the hurricane deck, snapped in two with a thunderous report. The hog chain is an iron rod three inches in circumference and was on the side of the boat next to the bank. When it broke the crowd rushed to that side, which careened the boat to a dangerous angle and threatened to pitch at least a part of the crew and passengers into the water. Hurried orders from the officers called part of the throng to the opposite side of the craft and the boat righted itself.
While the danger was over the excitement among the men and women did not wane, and the more timorous refused to be quieted and insisted on getting off the boat. The people jammed to the forward part of the deck in a wild endeavor to cross the gang plank, but those in the rear became so frantic that their pushing and shoving wedged the leaders in such a manner that they could not get across. Captain E. Baughman finally succeeded in gaining the gang plank and handed a quarter to every passenger. He got all of those aboard the Uncle Sam off in safety.
The accident which occurred about 3 o'clock, did not damage the boat outside of the breaking of the one rod. It will require several days to replace the hog chain and the boat will be tied up for that length of time.
The Uncle Sam excursion boat was brought here this spring to take the place of the Glenmore, which furnished the means of river excursions last summer. Previous to being brought to Kansas City the Uncle Sam was in the excursion business on the Mississippi river, with headquarters in Quincy, Ill. Hannibal, Mo., and Keokuk, Ia., were the other ports from which the boat drew business.