FOR CUTTING OFF HIS BEARD. ~ Sharp Says He Has Found Out What Trial Is About.

May 23, 1909

Sharp Says He Has Found Out
What Trial Is About.

With a dozen of the curious about him, James Sharp, during the short afternoon recess, voiced his disapproval of some of the court's rulings. As usual he spoke in allegory, after this fashion:

"The serpent lies in the river. It's all right if you rub his scales the right way. Rub the other way and it's all wrong. The serpent in the river is the cause.

"Here they bring in witness after witness to tell of the street fight, and when they get to the river they are cut off. They are not allowed to tell how we were driven into this."

Sharp did not have his Bible with him and its absence was remarked upon.

"All business with me today," said Sharp. "I'm looking after the devil and that serpent in the river. I am too busy watching the devil and that snake."

Then Sharp laughed and explained again to those who had not comprehended his parable of the serpent.

Later, Sharp turned to his attorneys, laughed and said:

"I've just found out what they are trying me for. It isn't for killing a man, but for cutting off my beard and saying I was a peddler."