Senate Passes House Bill to Raise
Pay in Kansas City.
JEFFERSON CIT Y, May 7. -- Kansas City's two senators fell out at tonight's session over a house bill to raise the Kansas City police bill $50,000 a year. The bill, which eventually was passed, will raise the pay of the chief from $3,000 to $4,000, the inspector of detectives from $2,400 to $2,800, secretary of the board from $1,800 to $2,100, captains from $1,500 to $1,800, lieutenants from $1,200 to $1,500, sergeants from $1,080 to $1,200, patrolmen from $960 to $1,080, probationers from $720 to $780, in all $50,540 a year. Senator Casey favored the bill. Senator Greene opposed it.
"It is costing every man in Kansas City $2.50 a year now for the police protection he gets," said Senator Greene. "The patrolman and sergeants should get more pay. I favor that, but I hold that the higher officers, in their offices, run no more than ordinary risks, and I ask you to leave them at their present wages. Our council has found only $450,000 available for the police this year. This bill, if it is passed, will make a draft on the council for $600,000. It is more than the city can stand."
The bill as originally drawn, however, was passed with an emergency clause.
The senate passed the Rosenberger bill to legally declare billiard and pool games of chance, so as to make it illegal to bet on them. Until now the supreme court has held them games of skill, and so not within the scope of the gambling act.
The senate is to meet tomorrow to pass upon the revision bills only, no regular bills to be taken up on their reading till 3:30 Monday afternoon.