May Survive Some Hours, but
Physicians Give No Hope.
Still in an unconscious state, Governor Thomas T. Crittenden is slowly sinking. At times, since he was stricken with apoplexy Thursday afternoon at Association park during the baseball game, he has seemed to be nearly conscious, so much so as to nod his head and move his hand, but yesterday afternoon and evening brought a decided change for the worse. His unconsciousness is seeming to grow deeper and he now gives no sign of life other than his breathing and unusually good heart action.
It is this heart action which is keeping Governor Crittenden alive, according to his physicians, who, with trained nurses, are constantly in attendance.
"I consider Governor Crittenden's condition extremely critical," said Dr. Ned O. Lewis, one of the attending physicians, last night. "However, we expect that he will survive the night, though his recovery seems now to be impossible. It is his strong heart action that is keeping life within him now."
All of yesterday scores of Governor Crittenden's friends visited the home at 3220 Flora avenue, although no one was allowed into the sickroom. Messages of sympathy and hope for recovery have been received by the family from many sources.