GARVIN FOR $80,000.
From Town and Country Letters
Come In, and He Answers
All -- Some He Goes
to See.

Who Must Marry in Order to Obtain $80,000 Left Him by a Rich Uncle in Colorado.
Cupid is working over time in the case of Paul Garvin, the young man who is to inherit $80,000 upon his marriage. Far and near his darts have sped, and touched the hearts of kind young woman who hate to see him lose that inheritance simply because he has never been so fortunate as to fall in love. Affinity feelers have been turned loose and the daily mails bring scores of letters to Mr. Garvin from those who would help him out of his predicament.
And Mr. Garvin is not sitting idly by. He is answering all of the letters which he receives, and has made calls upon many of those Kansas City girls whose sympathy for him has been awakened by the bright shining light of $80,000. Withal, Mr. Garvin has not yet left the grand passion and is still heart, if not fancy, free.
"I am more determined than ever to get married," said Mr. Garvin last night in his room on the northwest corner of Fourteenth and Oak streets. "I appreciate the interest which some of the girls have taken in the matter, and now my chances for matrimony and money look much bigger to me."
Mr. Garvin guards all of his letters carefully, and will not disclose the identity of the writers. Some of them, with names and addresses omitted, he has given to The Journal and of the lot, the following are representative.
This is one from a young lady who is very enthusiastic:
"Dear Friend: I have been thinking of you for some time, and it would be the happiest time of my life if you would call me up. My phone number is Main ---. Just tell me who you are, and then if you don't remember me, I will explain everything. Yours lovingly, A TRUE FRIEND. P. S. Please call me tomorrow about 10:30."
Mr. Garvin did call and found the stenographer a charming personage.
Here is one from two girls evidencing a desire to "split the pot:"
"Our dear Mr. Garvin: My cousin and I are two charming young ladies, and are looking for a husband -- you can have your choice. If interested write to --------."
Mr. Garvin is struck by the tone of the letter, and its peculiar humor. He thinks that a wife with a sense of humor is probably the best kind to have. He will answer the letter.
From Excelsior Springs comes a work of art. It is the most comprehensive of all the letters received by Mr. Garvin and one which he highly appreciates. It says:
"Sir: I read in the paper this morning that an uncle had left you an amount of money on condition you married. You say, or were quoted as having said, that you didn't know of anyone who would have you. Really, if no one in Kansas City will have you, and if you are as good looking as the paper said, it might be a good idea for you to try Excelsior Springs.
"Unlike you, I have seen several who would have me, but non whom I especially liked.
"Now, let me tell you that I am not beautiful, but I think that I am not so ugly as some I have seen. I am not very old, only 19; have a good education. I have blue eyes, light hair (brown) and am not very tall (a little over five feet). This is my first attempt, so will not describe myself in full. Neither will I give my correct name. If you wish to answer, all right. I think it will break the monotony of the times and perhaps afford a chance to help you secure your $80,000. Maybe it will give you a chance to visit Excelsior, anyway. Hoping to hear from you in the near future. I am, sincerely yours---"
The writer of the following letter is perfectly frank and gives her correct name and address. As a result, Mr. Garvin has become somewhat enamoured of her, having seen her two or three times. The writer is said to be a daughter of a real estate man, and lives in the South Side.
"Kind Sir: Mr. Garvin, I would like very much for you to come out and call and join our crowd.
"I don't want you to think queer of me by writing you without prior introduction, but hope that I shall meet you personally some time in the near future. I live out south and my telephone number is South ---- at ----- Thirty-ninth street. Closing, I remain, yours truly -----.
Here is one from a girl on the anxious seat who lives in Mendon, Mo."
"Mr. Paul Garvin: I seen in The Kansas City Journal that you would wish to marry, and if you would like to start correspondence, I would wish to correspond with you, and my description is Blue eyes & light hair, my height is 5 feet 3 inches, age 17. Answer real soon."
It would hardly be possible for the incident to pass without the appearance of some good Samaritan, who, from the kindness of his heart, desires to aid Cupid in all his undertakings, the born matchmaker. Here follows a letter form one of this kind, from a physician in Kansas City:
"Dear Sir: I am not conducting a matrimonial bureau, nor was I ever connected with such. I am a doctor of medicine with a fairly lucrative practice in this city, and seeing the article in the Kansas City Journal, I desire to proffer my assistance to you without any monetary recompense whatever.
"I am doing this without the knowledge of the young lady in question and am doing it solely because I think she will suit you as a life partner.
"This young lady is from one of the foremost families in the state and has mad her way in the world alone, being left an orphan at an early age, she had advanced from an ordinary clerk to a position of stenographer in one of the oldest and most reliable abstract firms in Kansas City.
"She is petite and a brunette, without any of the false charms so common to the girl of today. She is modest, of a quiet disposition, having a first class education and a pretty, innate beauty as distinguished from the artificial.
"This letter is written you in her behalf and she is entirely unaware of it. If you take kindly to the suggestion, address me at the enclosed address and I will introduce you to her, not permitting her to know of the strange circumstances under which she met you. Trusting to hear from you at your earliest convenience, I remain, yours very sincerely, --. --. -----, M. D."