Report That William Morris, "The
Independent," Will Enter Kan-
sas City Field.
That William Morris, Inc., the independent vaudeville magnate, who is fighting the vaudeville houses controlled by the Orpheum, Keith & Proctor, Kohl and Castle and others of the so-called United offices, will have a theater in Kansas City next season is reported on excellent authority.
It was said last night that the man who owns the property at the northwest corner of Twelfth and McGee streets contemplated to build a 15-story office building on his site, the building to face on Twelfth street. Back of it will be erected a $100,000 theater, a separate structure which will face on McGee street. A Twelfth street entrance to the theater will be arranged through the office building.
Theodor D. Marks, who is affiliated with the Morris offices, was in Kansas City a month ago when the negotiations were begun. It is said that a Morris representative is due here next Saturday to close the lease on the property.
William Morris, Inc., now has vaudeville theaters in New York, Brooklyn, Boston, Newark and Chicago, and besides, is affiliated with Sullivan and Consadine vaudeville people in the distribution of certain of his bookings. Sullivan and Consadine have a circuit of theaters extending from coast to coast, but have never entered the Kansas City field on a big basis.
By jumping acts from his Chicago theater, Morris could give Kansas City a new vaudeville bill every week without the loss of a performance.