Other Manual Students Who Offended Phillips Apologize.
Roscoe Reimer is the only Manual Training high school student still under Principal E. D. Phillip's displeasure. The others who had been suspended for giving the Manual yell in the auditorium, marched into the principal's office yesterday and signed a statement apologizing for their conduct. Then they took the document home, and must have their parents and some other person sign it before they will be admitted again to the school.
"We were greatly grieved at the occurrence," said Principal Phillips yesterday. "I had been congratulating myself that my school was the only one in the United States where no loud noise or outdoor yells were permitted in the chapel, and I had hoped that such would be the case. I am determined that it shall never occur again. The pupils who were suspended acted like little men by coming up and voluntarily signing the apology."
The authorities do not know why Roscoe Reimer is holding out.