Unique Feature of Loretta Acade-
my's May Day Festival.
There will be a real live Russian count in charge of the serving of Russian tea in the Japanese booth this afternoon at the May Day festival at the Loretta academy, which is to be given by the alumnae of the school. The festivities will begin at 3 and will be opened with a May pole dance given by the youngest scholars in the academy.
From the minute the dance is in progress until 8 o'clock this evening there will be something doing for the entertainment of the alumnae and also for the undergraduates. Four May pole dances will be given, two by the little ones and two by the girls in the upper classes. An orchestra will furnish the music and the various booths, in charge of a chaperon and attended by numerous pretty girls, will be some of the other attractions.
The women in charge of the entertainment are very proud of the fact that a Russian count, who is in the city, has kindly volunteered to present and assist in the serving of Russian tea. The tea is to be brewed in a samovar and the presence of Count Rolanskyvitch of St. Petersburg will add a tinge of realism to the booth. He will be introduced by Jacob Billikopf.
The various booths will be the Dutch, Colonial, Candy, Magic Well, Wayside Inn, Japanese, Handkerchief, the Married booth and the one presided over by three of the prettiest girls recently graduated and who will tell fortunes of all comers. The candy booth will be conducted by the girls of 1909 and the girls of the class of 1911 will rule over the Magic Well.