SHAWNEE BANK ROBBED WHILE PEOPLE LOOK ON. ~ Citizens Awed as Safe Is Blown at Early Hour Monday Morning and $1,300 Secured.

May 18, 1909

Citizens Awed as Safe Is Blown at
Early Hour Monday Morning
and $1,300 Secured.

While the entire pupulation of Shawnee watched the performance, two yeggs marched out of the village early Monday morning with about $1,300 belonging to the Shawnee State Savings bank. The robbers were able to loot the bank after shattering the safe with three charges of nitro-glycerin. It is supposed that the men came to Kansas City.

When the first explosion shook the little town, everyone was awakened. According to those present, most of the inhabitants dressed and started toward the bank. Another explosion kept them at a respectful distance, and when the two men finally did emerge from the door, after firing another charge, no one had the nerve to molest them. The men carried the money away in a sack.

Shawnee is six miles southwest of Rosedale, in Johnson county, Kas.