Traffic on Many Lines Delayed by
Water, Broken Poles and Ob-
structed Tracks.
The service of the Metropolitan Street Railway Company suffered severely from yesterday's storm. Mud and stones on the track at many places on all lines held up cars for 20 minutes at a time. Although all help available was hurried to such places to clear away the impending debris, most of the cars on the long lines, like the Quindaro boulevard line, were from half an hour to a full hour late in arriving at their terminals.
It was said at the general office at Fifteenth street and Grand avenue at 8 o'clock that three-quarters of a mile of trolley wires was down near Fairmount park, and that twelve poles had been broken off at this point. Also it was said service was temporarily suspended on the West Side line in Kansas City, Kas., because of debris across the tracks in the vicinity of Riverview.