TRACING MRS. YARBROUGH. ~ Woman Suicide, Implicated in Murder Charge, Stopped Here.

May 2, 1909

Woman Suicide, Implicated in Mur-
der Charge, Stopped Here.

The police are positive that Mrs. Helen Yarbrough, who committed suicide in the Manhattan hotel in Wichita Friday night, was in Kansas City several weeks ago. She was wanted at Claremore, Ok., on a charge of complicity in the murder of John Bullette, and rather than face the officers she took strychnine.

Detectives had been looking for Mrs. Yarbrough in Kansas City for several days. With the aid of a photograph she was traced to an East Side boarding house, where she had stopped during the month of March. She left ostensibly for Topeka April 7, but went to Claremore instead. The murder was one of the most brutal on record in Oklahoma. While in Kansas City Mrs. Yarbrough had no callers and made no friends.