New Regulations Are to Be Em-
bodied in Ordinance.
To meet the requirements of the motor boat men on the Blue river, a draft of an ordinance is being drawn up, which the council will be asked to pass, regulating traffic on that stream.
At a meeting of the Kansas City Yacht Club yesterday President J. E. Guinotte appointed Dr. Elliott F. Smith, J. W. Hogan, John Gurney, Thomas Landers and R. Mudra a special committee to draw up rules and regulations for the river traffic, which are to be embodied in an ordinance.
The river men find that a hard and fast rule requiring all craft to keep to the right and will not do for motor boats, as in places the river is so narrow and bends so sharply that it is absolutely necessary for launches to cross to the left.
Accordingly, to mark the river, in such a way as to show w here the right of way is to the right and where to the left, and otherwise making it possible to care for the 250 oar, paddle and propeller craft already in the little river.