GIVEN TO GARFIELD SCHOOL. ~ Col. Fleming Presents Bronze Tablet of Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech.

June 16, 1909

Col. Fleming Presents Bronze Tablet
of Lincoln's Gettysburg Speech.

The class day exercises of Garfield school will be held tonight at the Independence Boulevard Christian church. A feature of the exercises will be the presentation to Garfield school of a bronze tablet containing Lincoln's Gettysburg address The address will be made by J. A. Runyan, industrial commissioner of the Commercial Club, and the tablet will be accepted on behalf of the Kansas City board of education and the Garfield school by General Milton Moore, who will also present the certificates of graduation to the seventy-five students graduating this year. The tablet is 18x25 inches of bronze, and was presented to the school by Colonel Fred W. Fleming. It will probably be placed in the main hall way of the enlarged Garfield school before the opening of the fall term in September.

A committee consisting of Colonel Fleming, chairman; Judge John G. Park, Fred C. Adams, J. M. Fox, Rev. Dr. G. H. Combs and E. C. Meservey, representing the Northeast Improvement Association, took the matter up with the board of education about a year ago of needed improvements to the Garfield school building. The board has purchased 100 feet of ground lying east of the present building on which an addition will be erected during the coming summer, and the entire school building renovated inside and out.