No Low Railroad Rate This Year.
16,000 Hands Wanted.
Demands are now pouring in on the local office of the Missouri Free Employment Bureau for harvest hands. June 20 is the date set for sending out the first contingent.
"We do not like to say what towns are calling for hands," said one of the clerks of the bureau yesterday, "because men read it in the newspapers and go at once to the place. This office loses the credit."
What is really something tangible is that the particular places get more "hands" than they can use.
About 16,000 harvesters will be required. Kansas City will be able to furnish about one-half that number. There are not so many available men this year as last, but there are as many as there were two years ago.
As last year, there will be no special rate made for harvest hands by the railroads. Thanks to the abolition of the 3-cent fares, the 1-cent-a-mile rate, which was always made for outward-bound harvesters, has been wiped off the boards. It will be 2 cents a mile, straight, strictly in advance, this year.