MEMORIAL DAY PLEASURE SEEKER CALLED TRAITOR. ~ Person Who Attends Ball Game Then Should Be Branded, Says Rev. James Schindel.

May 31, 1909

Person Who Attends Ball Game Then
Should Be Branded, Says
Rev. James Schindel.

"Tomorrow will be Memorial day, a holy day, not a holiday. If it were in my power I would gather every man in Kansas City who goes to a baseball game or other amusement on that day, into some public concourse and brand him as a traitor."

With these words the Rev. James C. Schindel, pastor of the First English Lutheran church, last night denounced everything that would tend to desecrate the day when America pays grateful tribute to her soldier dead. At nearly all of the churches yesterday, mention was made of the day.

Various G. A. R. posts of Kansas City will visit the cemeteries today and decorate the graves of the fallen and at Independence the Pythians will remember their departed members.

Mr. Schindel's sermon was to members of the Grand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief Corps, Confederate Veterans Army of the Philippines, Ladies' Auxiliary, Society of the Porto Rican Expedition, United Spanish war veterans, the Third Regiment of the Missouri national guard and the Lincoln circle of the G. A. R. The church was crowded.

When Mr. Schindel made his denunciation of persons who seek amusement on such an occasion as Memorial day, the veterans could not withhold suppressed applause.

Paul's words: "I have fought a good fight," furnished the pastor his text.