Twelve Soloists and 43 Other Musi-
cians in Conway's Band.
Electric park is to have a brand new band next Sunday -- one that has never visited Kansas City before. It is the band of Patrick Conway, successor to the famous Gilmore. It comprises fifty-five pieces and will be accompanied by twelve soloists, one of whom is a vocalist. Conway is recognized as one of the most efficient of the American leaders.
Saturday night of this week a novel exhibition will take place in the Alligator village. It will consist in giving the alligators their first meal since they arrived in Kansas City. More than 500 pounds of raw beef has been ordered for the orgie. Alligators are fed only once in every several months and when the time comes around they are extremely voracious and show energy that is in direct contrast with their accustomed lethargy.
Only five more concerts will be played at the park by Ferullo's band. The farewell programmes are especially interesting.