NOISE DIDN'T DISTURB THEM. ~ Deaf Mutes Enjoyed Their Outing at Budd Park.

July 6, 1909

Deaf Mutes Enjoyed Their Outing
at Budd Park.

In one corner of Budd park yesterday were gathered about 125 men and women. Probably fifty or more children played about, shooting firecrackers and making the usual amount of noise that children make on the Fourth of July.

Not a mother said, "Be careful now," or "Don't go too close." Firecrackers, large and small, were exploded all about the grownups, but not one so much as turned a head or blinked an eye. The occasion was the Kansas City deaf mutes' picnic. Most of the children of deaf mutes have the power of speech, and those at the picnic yesterday were a happy, rollicking, talkative bunch of youngsters.

The picnic was held to arrange ways and means for building a home for aged and infirm deaf mutes somewhere in Missouri. Cash donations already have been made and subscriptions pledged.

On August 26, 27 and 28 the Missouri State Association for the Deaf will hold a convention here. H. B. Waters, 2830 Michigan avenue, is chairman of a local committee to perfect arrangements for the convention.