Mayor of Larned, Kas., Sends Out
An Urgent Call.
Farmhands are so scarce around Larned, Kas., that Mayor E. E. Frizell has mailed out postal cards to Eastern cities advertising for 2,000 harvest hands. One thousand men reported by June 28, but the farmers are still in need of capable help in the harvest fields and the mayor yesterday appealed to The Journal for assistance. A telegram to The Journal said:
Wanted -- 1,000 harvest hands; wages $2.50 to $3 per day; harvest commences July 3.
Following the telegram a letter was received from the mayor, in which he said that it had been reported that Larned was overcrowded with unemployed men. Such a report, the mayor stated, was an injustice to Larned and the surrounding country, as there has not been a time within the last fifteen years when men were needed so badly.