Humane Mark on Horses You'd
Better Leave Alone.
If offered a horse with an "H" sheared on the off-thigh, better refuse him. The Humane Society is after the herd. The day before yesterday Field Agent E. C. Cox was loitering about the "donkey" market, waiting for the arrival of a poor old animal he intended shooting, a merciful thing he shortly afterward did. while engaged in doing nothing, the field agent heard two traders talking of a choice lot of old wrecks in a field just across the state line, which were being fed up to bring into the market for sale, and further punishment today.
The field agent went out to the field himself yesterday on a scouting expedition . He says that he found twelve miserable looking horses, absolutely unfit for work. Before the one in charge came up, Cox had sheared an "H", for Humane, on each horse.
"I have marked them so as to know them again," the field agent warned, "and if I find one of them in the city within six weeks I will know whom to arrest. I order you to keep these horses on pasture the balance of the summer."