Conductor Wulff Makes Fast Friend
of Little Girl.
When Victor L. Wulff, the Missouri Pacific passenger director at the Union depot, stepped off his train from Jefferson City yesterday it was with difficulty that he bade goodby to little Miss Eunice Farwell, 5 years old, of Denver. It was Wulff's knowledge of candymaking which broke the ice and in a few hours made him a staunch friend of the little girl.
Mrs. Farwell and her daughter were in the observation car and just after the train left Jefferson City little Eunice asked for candy. There was none on the train and the next stop was Kansas City. when her mother returned with the news Eunice's lips quivered.
"We'll get some candy," Mr. Wulff assured her. A syrup drummer who had heard about the child and the candy, proffered the contents of his sample case. Mr. Wulff took several bottles of syrup and in a short while he had the ingredients of taffy boiling on the range in the diner. As soon as it was cool enough to pull it was carried to the observation car where an old-fashioned candy pulling followed.