CATCHER WOOD IS MARRIED. ~ His Wife Is Hazel Vanderhool of Near Kansas City.

August 5, 1909

His Wife Is Hazel Vanderhool of
Near Kansas City.

MILWAUKEE, WIS., Aug. 4. -- Catcher Carl Wood, the youngster whom McCloskey signed to help out Moran behind the bat when Hostetter was injured, is quite an adept at signing contracts.

Wood got the matrimonial bug in his ear so me time ago when he saw a pretty farmer lassie down near Kansas City. After he had signed a contract with the Brewers he thought that he might as well make it good all around, and so signed up for life to take care of Mrs. Wood.

Mrs. Wood's name as it was registered on the roster of her sewing club before approaching the minister, was Miss Hazel Vanderhool, and her father is a well-to-do farmer near Kansas City.